Tuesday, February 28, 2012

scenes from Christmas Eve

{photos taken with my phone}
Christmas Eve has to be one of my favorite days of the year because my family has a tradition of having a simple dinner by fireside. This year my Dad actually made a bonfire in the backyard where we talked about what Christmas means to our family while we enjoyed cheese, crackers, flatbread, hummus, fruit, roasted vegetables mixed with pear (yum). All of the baskets lined up in the top picture housed all of the food. Then after we were done eating we went inside for the annual Christmas story read to the kids by my Momma as seen in the bottom picture. To top it off we loaded up in my my Dad's trailer where we drove around the neighborhood observing streets lined with luminaries. I loved how there were other families out as well..it wasn't uncommon to hear bandwagons busting out in song. My brother said that people busting out in Christmas carols makes him feel awkward...mostly the kind when people come to the front door and you are the only one at the door with people singing to you. I could appreciate his statement since we weren't raised as a serious song and dance kind of family (most of us). We usually only reserve busting out our song and dance for a laugh. In fact I thought about the time my date took me on a gondola ride and the the guide busted out in song..I laughed when I wasn't supposed to have laughed..then I laughed more because I was embarrassed. I may have a problem with laughing when I am not supposed to. At least I have been cured of not laughing during a prayer..that was the worst.

Hope you had a fun filled Christmas weekend.

Source: http://vivafullhouse.blogspot.com/2011/12/dispatches-from-christmas-eve.html

Penelope Cruz nicki minaj Carmen Sandiego Cheryl Burke

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